Activities around Sigchos
If you are not doing the famous Quiloto loop, there are other excursions you will enjoy to do around Sigchos...
The Inca Road-Pulpito.
Sigchos is located northeast of Latacunga and arises in the middle of the mountains of the Western Cordillera of the Andes starting from Latacunga: On the Panamerican highway, going north, you can divert to the left until you arrive at Saquisili, next Toacazo and then arriving in Sigchos. Here you can see the Pulpito, adrenaline high mountains with a circuit of seven hours of extreme travel where you can look at the landscape, attractions with great diversity and discover many native plants of the area.
The Tangan Columns
We know an interesting route that goes from the Province Cotopaxi Capital, through Sigchos, starting towards Antinpe community touring a path with a 4x4 or walking until the San Marcos Farm and after this touring beautiful trails where we will find waterfalls, wildlife and pure nature. Continuing the tour to arrive at the smashing top of the Conguinza hill where we can find the Tangan Columns, only two hours and thirty minutes away from Sigchos Town to experience a great adventure.
The Two Waterfalls - The River Toachi Canyon
This waterfall is localized in the San Marcos Farm, one site more picturesque of Sigchos town along the journey of the Aguilla Canyon, inbetween the high mountains and cliffs, crossed by the Toachi river, surrounded by exuberant vegetation of humid mountain forest. Toachi Canyon is product of pyroclastic flows whose source was the Quilotoa volcano. The materials that form the base of the canyon are elements like pomiceous, lapillis and volcanic bombs.
The Churo de Amanta - Trips Chualó to Pucayacú - Seven Waterfalls
Among the high mountains of the Cotopaxi Province, Sigchos Town is localized two hours from Latacunga. Moreover, it is not only privileged climate and agriculture that characterize Sigchos. Its rich history unknown to many in the environs of Sigchos is the Churo de Amanta, a fortress built in prehispanic times during the warrior culture of the Incas, they built one fortress to stay protected from the attacks of the enemies from the Coast. At 3000 meters the Churo de Amanta arises, an edification in spiral form made from rock, therefor it is knowns as "The Ecuadorian Machu Picchu"...
The Guingopana - The Aerial
Is a great discovery where a way of a mountain giant crossed the reserve and it is seeable from a natural viewpoint on the outskirts of Sigchos. This is a site with a beautiful landscape and with the Toachi River deep inside, the main geographical axis of the area.